Smoking Conspiracy > Jurisdiction > Nationalized Health Care

Smoking Aloud

The latest anti-smoking campaign
is not about health, drugs, or children ...

It is about JURISDICTION... They want it!

Nationalized Health Care

Barack ObamaThe Clinton's and other liberals in Congress want to decide who can provide medical care for our children, what the care will be, and when it will be provided.

America unequivocally rejected Clinton's Nationalized Health Care Plan when it was first presented but liberals in Congress did not give up their attempt to take over this massive portion of the U.S. economy. President Barack Obama made it his seminal legislation during his term in office, passing the partisan Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, better known as ObamaCare in 2010.

With this unconstitutional act, the Federal Government has now accomplished their Collectivist goal of... money, control, and jurisdiction of our nations healthcare.

In typical Clinton style of redefining reality and Edward Bernays "engineering of consent," the very title of Obama's healthcare bill is misleading. "Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act"

In fact, it strips patients of their protection by inserting the Federal Government between you and your doctor when it comes to healthcare decisions. When fully implemented, a 15 member board of Washington bureaucrats will decide on what care you may be provided and deny care when they decide your quality of life is not worth the expenditure. It is neither affordable care in that taxes will necessarily rise to levels never before seen while the the crony medical industrial complex will expand their profits at your expense.

Pandora's Box was opened when America allowed the government to take over the tobacco industry, and most Americans will suffer financial and physical death if this Collectivist agenda of controlling their lives is not reversed.

It's For the Children

President Barack Obama signed the Insurance Program Reauthorization Act of 2009, providing a major expansion of the State Children's Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) to provide health insurance to moderate-income families and illegal aliens.

This government handout is funded with an increased federal tobacco tax.

Of course, the unintended consequences of this socialist bill will come back to haunt the collectivists who supported this nonsense.

When fewer people buy taxed cigarettes, the SCHIP program will suffer budget shortfalls requiring them to either scrap the program, turn to another group to redistribute income, or raise taxes on the entire population. Raising taxes on the entire population will be the most likely scenario as these collectivists continue to push their nationalized health care programs.

Already facing budget shortfalls, many states will also be hurt by the reduced revenue collected as part of the Tobacco Settlement Agreements. The amount paid by participating manufacturers is adjusted annually based on the volume of their shipments. With shipments being reduced, so will the revenue to the states.

The growing black market for cigarettes will also likely explode as more people turn to alternative sources for cigarettes. And, who can blame low income folks that can't pay for their own insurance now required to pay for insurance of families earning far more than they. It's not fair to those burdened with these higher taxes to shoulder more of the socialist load.

They Want YOUR Children
In order for them to accomplish this takeover of your children's health, they must first get the authority torn away from parents and into the hands of government.

One of the first things they did was to have the Environmental Protection Agency (E.P.A.) declare Environmental Tobacco Smoke (E.T.S.) an environmental toxin equivalent to asbestos and other hazardous substances. In 1993 the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), concluded that ETS caused lung cancer in adult nonsmokers and serious respiratory problems in children and was responsible for more than 3,000 lung-cancer deaths a year. On this false basis the EPA has classified secondhand smoke as a Group A carcinogen (known to cause cancer in humans). This step allowed them to tighten their control and jurisdiction in schools and the work place and its report has been cited widely in decisions by state and local officials to restrict smoking in public places including restaurants, airliners, offices. In 1995 a federal law required all schools and children's facilites that receive federal aid to be smoke-free environments. (Notice the MONEY trail: federal aid.)

In July, 1998, U.S. District Judge William Osteen in North Carolina, ruled the EPA based its 1993 report on inadequate science and failed to demonstrate a statistically significant relationship between secondhand smoke and lung cancer. Osteen wrote: "EPA publicly committed to a conclusion before research had begun; excluded industry by violating the (radon law's) procedural requirements; (and) adjusted established procedure and scientific norms to validate the agency's public conclusions." The judge further criticized the EPA for having "aggressively utilized" the report's findings "to establish a de facto regulatory scheme intended to restrict plaintiff's products and to influence public opinion." ("EPA stands behind link between secondhand smoke, cancer," CNN, July 19, 1998)

As part of the National Tobacco Policy and Youth Smoking Reduction Act before Congress, SEC. 302., "SMOKE-FREE ENVIRONMENT POLICY" gives OSHA the power to prohibit the smoking of cigarettes, cigars, and pipes, and any other combustion of tobacco within nearly all public facilities (visited by 10 or more people) and on facility property within the immediate vicinity of the entrance to the facility. Any aggrieved person, any State or local government agency, or the Administrator (OSHA), may bring suit in any United States district court for the district in which the defendant resides or is doing business to enjoin any violation of this title or to impose a civil penalty for any such violation in the amount of not more than $5,000 per day of violation.

The 1989 Convention on the Rights of the Child, which obligates governments to safeguard the health of infants and children; protect children from drugs and exploitation; and promote health education is being cited as the unifying directive for the global redistribution of wealth.

Section 1926 of the Public Health Service Act requires states to enact legislation restricting the sale and distribution of tobacco products to minors as a condition of receiving federal substance abuse prevention and treatment block grant funds. States are also required to enforce these laws in a manner "that can reasonably be expected to reduce the extent to which tobacco products are available to individuals under the age of 18." (42 USC 300x-26)

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is overstepping its legal mandate by asserting jurisdiction over tobacco in an attempt to curb underage smoking. We ought to keep tobacco out of the hands of our youth, but we should not have the FDA dictating the lifestyles of adults. The FDA claims its plan is aimed at preventing smoking by children, but that's not the issue. No one wants children to smoke -- underage smoking already is illegal in all 50 states. We need to strengthen and enforce those laws, not add another layer of government regulation.

Carol Bellamy, Executive Director of the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), called for an urgent effort by the international community, Smokesincluding the World Trade Organization, to develop a global strategy to treat tobacco products commensurate with the harm they cause, beginning with prohibitions on all direct and indirect tobacco advertising and promotional activities aimed at children and young people. Other measures, the Executive Director said, should include a ban on sales of tobacco products to minors; substantial tax increases on tobacco products; and a stepped-up educational campaign to promote awareness of the addictiveness of nicotine and the dangers of smoking.

Persons that provide children’s services funded by the Department of Health and Human Services, the Department of Education, or the Department of Agriculture in indoor facilities (e.g. schools, libraries, day care, health care, and early childhood development settings) are required to prohibit smoking in those facilities if they are regularly or routinely used for the delivery of such services to children. In addition, all Federal agencies that provide such services are also required to prohibit smoking in facilities used regularly or routinely for the delivery of children’s services. (20 USC 6081-6084)

These globalists are not content with the implementation and enforcement of FDA regulations within the U.S. borders. They have their sights set on US-based transnationals who are looking beyond our borders for replacement customers. They have their greedy eyes on children around the world. They claim that tobacco-related illness will claim the lives of 10 million people a year by early in the next century. Seven million of them in economically poor countries.

Nearly 1,500 anti-smoking activists attended the 10th World Conference on "Tobacco or Health" in Beijing where one of the big issues was how to get some of the dollars from the massive U.S. settlement distributed worldwide - especially in China, the world's single largest producer of cigarettes. The conference was organised by the Chinese Association on Smoking and Health and the Chinese Medical Association under the auspices of several international bodies, including the World Health Organisation (WHO), the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), the International Union Against Cancer and the American Cancer Society. The co-organisers and sponsors are Bionax, the Australian and Hong Kong-based healthcare company.

This information from the 10th WCTOH is originally published by UICC GLOBALink

Politically Incorrect


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